Our innovative mobility services enable motivated people to gain access to loans and leases to start a job through the use of vehicles. Through the cooperation with our business partners, we will continue to offer services that correctly evaluate hardworkers.
Our Services
We work together with our business partners to provide vehicle rental programs for online drivers and logistics vehicles for small and medium businesses with the support of IoT technology.
Car Rental Program for Drivers Online
GMS Indonesia participates in advancing the welfare of the community, especially people with underdeveloped economic conditions. There are still many people who have jobs as online drivers, but don't have a car to support their work. Therefore, GMS Indonesia is here as a solution for online drivers who do not own a car.
GMS Indonesia has a special car rental program for online drivers. With this program, we hope it can help ease the work of online drivers.
GMS Indonesia also has another program that has the same goal, namely to advance community welfare. We have a special car rental program for logistics activities for logistics business actors, be it individuals, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises as well as for Large Companies.
With this program, we hope to be able to help business actors engaged in logistics.
Logistics Car Rental Program
Mr. Kusnadi is one of the online drivers who has participated in the car rental program at GMS Indonesia. He has been with GMS Indonesia for about 1 year. Mr. Kusnadi has great hopes in his life, especially hope for his son. He hopes to pay for his child's education with the income he has.
After participating in the car rental program from GMS Indonesia, Mr. Kusnadi said that he was greatly helped by this online driver-only car rental program. Check out his full story in the following video.
Until now, many online drivers have joined the GMS Indonesia program, each online driver has their own review of our program. Here are some of the reviews that we have summarized about the special online driver car rental program.
As long as GMS Indonesia and business partners work together to organize a special car rental program for online drivers, many questions have arisen regarding this program. Therefore, we have summarized some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers.
Car rental can only be used in the Jabodetabek area.
No, the online driver's account must match the identity of the car unit renter.
No, currently GMS Indonesia only offers an online driver car rental program.
You can't, because the car rental payment system is weekly and the minimum joining us is 3 months.
Rental Partner Program |